Shshh ... - Online insurance portal, is an online insurance platform that includes the services of the leading insurance companies of our Country. You can order the type of insurance you want from the insurance company you want, without wasting time, quickly and safely online. Your orders are evaluated in detail by a professional team. The most suitable Insurance offers are presented to you as soon as possible. Your orders are accepted 24/7.
You save your budget and time by purchasing the most affordable insurance offers through us as soon as possible.
Our professional team ensures that the necessary guarantees and requirements are reflected in your insurance contract.
We are an independent Insurance Consultant. We always protect the interests of our clients.
When driving a car, everyone can face the danger of damage to the property or health of a third party. At this time, if you are found guilty of causing the incident, you will have to pay for the damage caused to the other party. The existence of compulsory car insurance exempts you from this obligation.
Bonus-malus system is a system of notes and additions related to the application of coefficients that increase or decrease insurance premiums in relation to the insured, depending on whether the main insurance event occurred due to the fault of the driver or not.
According to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On electronic signature and electronic document", an electronic insurance contract is an insurance contract approved by the insurer's electronic signature and created, stored, processed, transmitted, accepted with the help of technical and software tools.
The insurance premium under the electronic insurance contract can be paid through the bank, internet, mail or bank payment terminals. After the insurance fee is paid, confirmation information is sent to the mobile phone number indicated in the insurance contract by the insured.
At the request of the insured, the insurer can present the electronic insurance contract to the insured in a paper carrier.