Schoolchildren's Insurance

Schoolchildren's Insurance - is designed to ensure the health of schoolchildren in schools or school-related areas.

The “Məktəbli” medical insurance product offered by Pasha Insurance consists of 4 insurance packages that include various medical services: Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. You can familiarize yourself with the price of each package and the medical services included in the package in detail in the table below.

Medical services
Variant A
Variant B
Variant C
Variant D

İnsurance cases
Traumas and injuries occurred within school territory; during  excursion  accompanied by an authorized employee of the school

Cases occurred within school territory; during  excursion  accompanied by an authorized employee of the school
Traumas and injuries occurred within school territory; during  excursion  accompanied by an authorized employee of the school
Cases occurred within school territory; during  excursion  accompanied by an authorized employee of the school and during  official school transportation service
Emergency medical aid
Emergency medical transportation and evacuation




Emergency vaccination
Emergency dental care




In-patient care
Medicine supply for in-patient care




Sum insured (per person)
40 AZN
50 AZN
150  AZN
200  AZN
Insurance premium (per person)
1500 AZN
2000 AZN
3000  AZN
4000  AZN

To order the “Məktəbli” health insurance product online, select the insurance package that suits you. Fill out the form below carefully and click the “Order” button. Our professional team will contact you within a few minutes.

If you have any additional questions or difficulties, please contact us by selecting one of the contact methods located at the bottom right of the screen.

Application form