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Economical casco packages

Economy Casco insurance packages do not cover the full value of the car, but a certain fixed amount of insurance. Guarantee amounts:

  • 5000 AZN  -   Price 500 AZN,
  • 10,000 AZN - Price 900 AZN,
  • 20,000 AZN - Price 1900 AZN

constitutes. The car is insured with the selected insurance value and damages up to the Insurance amount are insured within 1 year. If the damage to the car exceeds the insurance amount, then the insurance amount is paid in full, the remaining damage is not paid. If the car is 5 years old or less, an official service warranty is provided. At this time, the prices will be: 550 AZN, 1000 AZN and 2000 AZN.

To get the Casco Insurance package with the insurance amount of your choice, fill in the following fields carefully and click the "Order" button. Our professional team will contact you as soon as possible.

If you have additional questions or difficulties, please contact us by selecting one of the contact methods located at the bottom right of the screen.

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